

PhD position

PhD position in the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab (Bellinzona)
The Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab is part of the Laboratories for Translational Research of Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale located in Bellinzona (Switzerland). We invite applications for a fully funded Ph.D. position in Biomedical Sciences for conducting research in the project “The dark side of muscular dystrophies: targeting endothelial-mesenchymal transition in the dystrophic microenvironment through a biofabricated human muscle-on-a-chip”.

See also flyer.


Postdoc Position

The group of Thomas Wälchli at University College London is seeking 1-2 postdoctoral candidates (primarily computational or hybrid computational – experimental, but not excluding purely experimental outstanding candidates) to join exciting, cutting-edge projects (Wälchli et al. Nature 2024).
Group information
Position details


PhD position

The Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab is part of the Laboratories for Translational Research of Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale located in Bellinzona (Switzerland). We invite applications for a fully funded Ph.D. position in Biomedical Sciences for conducting research in the SNSF-funded project "A high-throughput microphysiological platform to analyze the role of the aging human vasculature in melanoma metastases".

See the attached flyer for all details. 


Associate Physician and Associate Professor vacancy

The Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) of the University of Lausanne and the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) are inviting applications for the position of Associate Physician / Assistant Physician, with the title of Associate Professor in the field of physical exercise in the Angiology Service of the CHUV.

Applications should be submitted by October 29th 2023.

More information is given in the flyer.


Assistent Professor vacancy

The Department of Pathology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva invites applications for an academic position in vascular pathophysiology. The appointment will be at Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)‐funded assistant professor level, with a possibility for tenure following the term. The appointment is linked to obtaining an SNSF (or equivalent) starting grant.
Applications should be submitted before July 15th 2023.

More information is given in this flyer


PhD vacancy

A PhD positions is available in the Regenerative Angiogenesis lab (Dr. Andrea Banfi) at University of Basel in a Swiss National Science Foundation-funded project. The candidate will use single-cell transcriptomics to comprehensively dissect the cellular and molecular mechanisms of normal vs aberrant angiogenesis in skeletal muscle under therapeutically relevant conditions of angiogenic factor delivery.

Details on

See also flyer.


PhD and Postdoc vacancy

Postdoc/PhD positions available in the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab within an ERC grant moved to Switzerland. The 5 years project deals with the study of vascular aging combining microphysiological systems and omics. Details on or

See full job decription

