

The group of Thomas Wälchli at University College London is seeking 1-2 postdoctoral candidates (primarily computational or hybrid computational – experimental, but not excluding purely experimental outstanding candidates) to join exciting, cutting-edge projects (Wälchli et al. Nature 2024).
Group information
Position details



Join us for the 6th Swiss Vascular Symposium on November 16, 2023, in Lausanne! We have two exciting plenary lectures by Stephan Huveneers (University of Amsterdam)  and Myriam Grunewald (the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and many opportunities for you to present your own research.

The symposium is part of the 23rd Meeting of the Union of Vascular Societies of Switzerland, taking place on November 15-17. We encourage you to attend the entire event, including the keynote lecture by Mary McDermott on November 15.

Submit your abstracts for presentation before July 31, 2023 and visit the website HTTP://WWW.UNIONSTAGUNG.CH/ for more information and registration.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting meeting!



Mark the calendar for the next 2 speakers in our series of virtual Swiss Vascular Biology Talks (see flyer):


September 18, 2023; 17:00 – 18:00 CET

Friedemann Kiefer, University of Münster, Germany


November 20, 2023; 17:00 – 18:00 CET

Christer Betsholtz, University of Uppsala, Sweden


Zoom links will be sent to all SSMVR members shortly before the event.


A PhD positions is available in the Regenerative Angiogenesis lab (Dr. Andrea Banfi) at University of Basel in a Swiss National Science Foundation-funded project. The candidate will use single-cell transcriptomics to comprehensively dissect the cellular and molecular mechanisms of normal vs aberrant angiogenesis in skeletal muscle under therapeutically relevant conditions of angiogenic factor delivery.

Details on

See also flyer.


SSMVR is proud to sponsor the upcoming European Society of Microcirculation 2023 Conference, taking place in Aarhus (Denmark) on 24-27 April 2023!

The conference boasts an amazing group of faculty, who will deliver wonderful, insightful lectures on many aspects of the microcirculation: SSMVR member Prof. Katrien De Bock will be Plenary Speaker. 



Postdoc/PhD positions available in the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab within an ERC grant moved to Switzerland. The 5 years project deals with the study of vascular aging combining microphysiological systems and omics. Details on or

See full job decription


SSMVR is happy to announce the next series of virtual Swiss Vascular Biology Talks, which will feature  leaders in the field of angiogenesis, leukocyte trafficking and tumor vasculature.
See flyer.

Zoom links will be sent to all SSMVR members shortly before the event.

Upcoming dates are

Please mark the dates in your calendar. We look forward to seeing many of you soon!

